Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jesus Moments!

Ok so I am a Christian, albeit a sarcastic one, so if you aren't then tough potatoes because I am writing this post.

God said that He wants all of us, completely, all throughout the day.  Most of us really only spend time with God on Sunday, or maybe a little bit in the morning with a devotion or something.  We do this because we see spending time with God as something that we have to set apart time for, but it totally isn't.  This is where Jesus Moments! come in.

Jesus Moments!: n, little bits of Jesus that can be slipped in to your day whenever you have a spare second.  The exclamation point is obligatory.

Jesus Moments! are a super easy way to feel more connected to God, and will get you a little closer to living every part of your life for Jesus.  Here are some ways to incorporate Jesus Moments! into your day:

1) Take one verse a week and write it on a sticky that you can put on your planner or binder or computer (anything that you tend to always have out).  Whenever you see the sticky, repeat the verse to yourself (or to Jesus, as the case may be) - you can keep a tally of the number of times you say it at the bottom of the note.  Memorization is a certainty!
2) Pray while you brush your teeth.  In the morning, ask for strength or knowledge or anything you need; at night, tell Jesus how you saw Him move throughout the day, or thank Him for giving you what you needed.
3) When you are doing homework, stop at the bottom of every page and think of one thing that you love about God, or that He has given you, or that You are struggling with.  I like to write these at the bottom of the actual page that I am working on, that way when I review I can see how things have/have not changed.
4) Look up some sermons online from your church at home or from a favorite speaker and listen to them while you get ready in the morning instead of music.
5) Actually think about the words to all of the praise songs that you love while you sing along to them while you drive.
6) Pray before you eat.
7) Have a cup of tea with Jesus every time it rains (I live in Washington).  I might be crazy, but I like to set out a cup for Him too and just sit there quietly with Him - no memorizing or reading or reciting prayers, just sit with Him like you would with a good friend.
8) Pick one thing a week or month that you want to work on (lying, being lazy, impatience, etc) and talk to God about that one thing whenever you walk to class.  Make sure you give Him time to talk back to you.
9) Assign specific meaning to several things around your dorm.  Ex: whenever I brew a pot of coffee, I thank God for something (usually the way coffee smells).  Ideas include: the act of sitting at your desk, putting on a coat, locking the door, etc.  Any little activity where you have two consecutive seconds where your hands are busy.
10) Read a scriptural book veeeeerrrrry sllllloooooowllly.  I'm talking like one paragraph every night right before you turn off the light.  This gives you time to think about what you are reading and really digest it.

The great thing about Jesus Moments! is that they don't take up any extra time in your day, and by including just a few of them every day you will feel so much more focused and aware of God.  He just wants to spend time with you, after all.

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