You go to Peak. I am assuming you know how to take basic notes. You write down key topics and vocab words and anything that is actually written on the powerpoint. Duh.
Don't take cornell notes. They are, literally, Satan.
Unfortunately, this won't cut it for a college lecture class. Most of these classes expect you to memorize pretty much anything you write down or read, so you need to make your notes as user-friendly as possible. To do this, take notes in class as you normally would - print out a lecture outline if one is available and make sure that you get down all of the key points. Then, when you are studying, take sticky notes and turn each heading into a question, and answer it in bullets on the sticky note. Stick it on your page over that key point.
It will look like this:
- Haley is awesome
1: she writes an awesome blog
2: she is a hoopoe
- hoopoes are birds that play pranks on people
3: she is currently eating pretzels
Sticky note:
Why is Haley awesome?
- blog
- hoopoe
- pretzels
Obviously, it would be a bit more complex, but you get the idea. To study for a test, memorize all of the stickies and answer the questions in your head in full format like you would on a test (Haley is awesome because she writes an awesome blog about how to survive college called "A Peaker's Survival Guide to College", which has helped me on numerous occasions. Also, she is a hoopoe and therefore likes to play pranks on people which is just really picking funny. Finally, she is eating pretzels which are by far the best snack food, especially when dipped in Nutella.).
"But that's so much work!" You are saying. You are wrong. According to college professors, you should be studying three hours for every hour of class. Each class meets for between 3 and 5 hours a week. Multiply that by five or six classes and you get a lot of work. The notes in themselves are not a lot of work, they are simply awesome (like me).
*Hint: to practice this, take notes on the next church service or discovery channel show that you watch and make stickies for it (I would love to see your notes on "Sharks: demons of the deep")*
Sorry, I couldn't really figure out how to make that post more entertaining but you'll be ok. Anything is better than Faragher.
You so silly, bein' all Peaky on us. Although this method does seem very useful ;)