Thursday, January 10, 2013

3 Hour Classes?!

In Jan Term, your classes are three hours long (but you only have one).  Sitting in one class for three hours might not seem any different from sitting in three classes each for an hour but it definitely is.  You will not do well if you are not prepared - you will be covering about a week's worth of material every day so it is really important to be active and focused for the whole class and not peter out after the first hour.

I would suggest having a mug of coffee or tea with you and having an apple or something to eat during the break (which should happen roughly half-way through the class but some teachers just plow through the whole thing (fools)).  Also, make sure that you have all of your homework and have done all of the reading (which shouldn't be a problem because you are Peakers).  Think long and hard about whether it is worth it to skip before you miss a class (the make-up assignments take hours (how dare those teachers presume that we wouldn't have caught up on our own).  (It might also be a good idea to check your Writer's Handbook (!) to see how often it is appropriate to use parenthetical commentaries in a paragraph before it becomes annoying (I always forget that rule (but that might be because I never read the Writer's Handbook (unlike all of you good Peakers who haven't been sarcastified yet (are there any of you left?)))).

Anyway, you should start exercising your sitting-in-one-place-for-a-long-time muscles now so that you are ready for Jan Term next year.  Maybe you could watch TV for hours at a time... If your mom yells at you, just tell her that I recommended it and I have a 4.0 at a highly regarded university.


  1. You used weather instead of whether...Please dear God, tell me this was on purpose. Because I might die otherwise.

    1. no that wasn't on purpose. I am disgraced. Krap nuggets.
