Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gifting Your College Friends

Let's say that you have some friends who are in college and you are still in high school.  Now, some of these friends write awesome blogs that change your life, and some of them are hoopoes and/or just generally awesome.  Perhaps, you would like to send those friends a gift for a holiday or birthday or just because you love them.  Here are some things that college kids will ALWAYS appreciate.

- Gift cards to restaurants.  Make sure you check to make sure that those restaurants exist near the college, but anything is better than cafeteria food.
-  Strange things.  Furbies, random toys, asian candy, things from craft markets, anything that makes you go "what the - " and will make your person laugh.
- Inside jokes.  If someone were to send me, oh I don't know, a pair of fishnet tights, or a letter written on a paper plate, it would make my day. (Please don't try to send me a cow as white as milk)
- Beans.

*Note: I am, once again, strapped for topics to write about.  Does anyone have questions or comments or ANYTHING that I could somehow scramble together 300 words about?*