Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Hello New Year!  In honor of the long-awaited arrival of a post-apocoliptic 2013, allow me to show you the amazing features of my blog (just to review).

Flash photography is not permitted, please stay inside the suspiciously urine-colored lines.

To your right is the menu bar.  It has many features that may be useful to you, including: an archive of all my posts ever; a list of posts that other people seem to have read and re-read to the point of embarrassment; an option to learn about yours truly; a fun little tangent fact that almost never changes; and a google+ button that no one has ever pushed (if you are particularly daring, use this button to recommend me to your friends).

In the center of the page is the post box (heh heh) where the posts live.  Each post has a title, a date, some content, and an option to comment at the bottom.  If you feel so inclined, I appreciate your feedback in the comment bar - you do not have to have a blogger account to comment and your comment will appear immediately.  This means that if you are feeling particularly scathing, you can publish rude things there that I will not notice for several days and may never be removed.  How fun!  You can also employ various types of social media to talk about individual posts using the icon buttons underneath the time stamp.

You may also notice that there are books behind you.  Aren't they stacked so neatly-and-yet-haphazardly against their nice blue background?  That is true art, folks.  And how appropriate that I should choose books to decorate my college blog.  I am so clever.

This concludes our tour.  Please deposit your 3D glasses in the bin on the way out so that we can pretend to wash them before we hand them out to the next group of sweaty tourists who come in.  We hope you have enjoyed your stay here and will come again soon!  As always, A Peaker's Survival Guide remains free of charge and immune to any sort of advertisement of any kind.  This post was written on my new iPad Mini, which is such an ease to operate and is not at all similar to a very expensive game boy!


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