You will be handed about 37.96 books that will tell you how to go to college. You can get something out of them if you really try, but most of them are full of things that are 100% intuitive. These books will tell you things like "make sure you sleep in college just as much as you do now", or "make sure you don't get caught with illegal substances". So innovative, college book, thanks.
Anyway, feel free to read college books in your "spare time". Go for it.
Just in case you don't have any spare time on top of school, homework, a job, extracurriculars, college apps, scholarship apps, family, friends, and sleeping, I will now sum up every college book ever for you. Here goes: College Is Different From High School, But Don't Worry, It's Not That Different.
So there you go, that sentence is just as useful as any college book.
Where did 37.96 come from? :P Also, I wanna see your face again!!