Saturday, November 17, 2012

Registration... ugh

I would rather spend another 9 years at Peak than be forced to register as a Freshman again.  The vast majority of schools have your register at specific times based on the amount of credit you have; that way, seniors get the classes they need, and freshmen who didn't take AP classes get to sort through the boring classes.  I did have AP credit so I got to register with the slacker sophomores but still, it's a nightmare.

The steps to registering are as follows:
1) Figure out which classes you want to take
2) Organize the sections of those classes so that they fit together into a working schedule
3) Realize that you can't take most of the classes you want to because they are ALL at 11:20 M,W,F
4) Organize a new schedule that you will actually be able to use without a time-turner
5) Wait two weeks for your registration day
6) Watch as the classes that you really want to take fill up
7) Replace the full classes with back-ups
8) Watch your back-ups fill up
9) Replace the back-ups with krap classes
10) Finally hit the registration button, only to realize that you have been wait-listed for half of your krap classes
11) Sigh heavily and try not to think about the fact that you are paying $15,000 a semester to take krap classes

I would suggest that you major in something obscure.  Pick a small program with less that 15 people in it.  That way, you will never have to stress over registration - so what if four years from now you do have to stress over the fact that you graduated with a degree in Pediatric Alzheimers and now you can't find a job?  So What?

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