Monday, October 1, 2012

A Day In the Life of a Whitworth Student

This will probably be more fun for me to write than for you to read but I'm sure you'll survive.

A typical Monday for me:
6:00 - alarm goes off, hit snooze
6:15 - attempt to get off of the top bunk without waking up my roommate who doesn't have class until 11 today
6:30 - take shower
6:45 - make coffee, get ready in near-darkness without making any noise
7:00 - still getting ready, stub toe on chair, violently curse whoever invented chairs
7:15 - gather up all of my school krap and shove it in back-pack, re-print the paper that I just ruined by shoving it into my back-pack
7:30 - walk to breakfast, note sardonically how cold it is in the morning even though the planet is supposedly about to catch fire and kill us all
7:45 - lament the fact that the cafeteria never has bacon
8:00 - sit down in Spanish 301, silently hope that the professor doesn't show up
8:15 - begin doing the bizarre but still boring Spanish activities that should have ended in high school but didn't ("Maria and George are looking at pictures!  Write about what you see each person in the pictures doing."  Oh dang, my arm just fell off.  Too bad I've been reduced to a pile of sarcastic ooze by this activity or that might get me out of this.)
8:30 - begin reading Lectura, realize that this is why I don't hate Spanish
8:45 - Turn in essay, be glad that I had the foresight to put it in a folder or it would've been mulch by now.
9:00 - Sit down in Core 150
9:15 - take notes on the lecture
9:30 - continue taking notes on the lecture
9:45 - guess what?  I'm still taking notes on the lecture
10:00 - pretend to take notes while thinking that if I had super powers, I could run really fast and out that door and no one would ever see me
10:15 - thank God the lecture ended because I was about to make a break for it
10:30 - Sit down in Lit
10:45 - This is the best class ever!  We are watching Vertigo
11:00 - I'm hungry but Hitchcock is delicious
11:15 - ok, I might die if I don't get food.  Seriously, how did I survive 9 years of 12:45 lunches at Peak?
11:30 - Walk into the cafeteria and lose all interest in Hitchcock because they have hamburgers
12:00 - Sit down in dorm at desk, determined to do homework
12:15 - Did you know that there are more than 20 "Harry Potter"s on FaceBook?
12:30 - What?  I'm not watching Friends!  That would never happen!
12:45 - Ok, I'm doing the reading assignment for Lit now.
1:00 - hang on, I'm still doing the assignment
1:15 - still reading
1:30 - give me a break, it's a long assignment!
1:45 - Ok, now I'm doing Spanish homework
2:00 - Yes, I am so interested in irregular subjunctive conjugations
2:15 - I had to disable the internet on my computer because a certain Peaker was IMing me (why aren't you at school, child?!)
2:30 - Almost done with Spanish...
2:45 - And now I'm putting sticky notes on my core lecture
3:00 - look how dedicated I am, still doing homework!
3:15 - Holy krap, my spelling sucks when I take notes.  Any idea what this word is: conscingtoidlty?  I really hope that is spelled wrong because I will never be able to memorize that term
3:30 - my roommate is back from class
3:45 - Now I'm writing an essay for Freshman Seminar
4:00 - essays are boring...
4:15 - I feel bad for the professor who must read this drivel...
4:30 - and BREAK!  Watch Friends and eat a snack
4:45 - wait, the episodes are 25 minutes long
5:00 - ok, last bit of homework for today (it's a light day)
5:15 - I'm taking my time with this assignment, it's for Acting I
5:30 - Almost done...
5:45 - Done!  With homework!  Leave for dinner before the line gets too long
6:00 - They have pasta!
6:15 - Omq, this might not be pasta
6:30 - Why am I still eating this?
6:45 - leave for rehearsal
7:00 - I'm the caterpillar in Alice and Wonderland
7:15 - (no, I don't get to smoke any beans.  That would be epic though...)
7:30 - I wear this big, fuzzy blue robe that makes me feverish because it is so heavily insulated
7:45 - Still rehearsing...
8:00 - getting notes...
8:15 - working the scene with the stage-fall that a certain actress just can't pull off
8:30 - and rehearsal gets out early!
8:45 - EPIC!  They built an obstacle course out of the couches in the lounge again!
9:15 - THERE'S STILL A MATTRESS SLIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:30 - Sit in dorm room with other people, watch an episode of something
9:45 - Pretend I'm not writing my blog post for the next day while we watch
10:00 - Do you think there are a lot of inside jokes at Peak?  Now go to college!  You might die laughing...
10:15 - hang on, people are still laughing
10:30 - panic because someone mentioned an assignment I forgot to do
10:45 - realize I'm in college and I don't have that class tomorrow because I had it today.  Thank God for being awesome
11:00 - Play guitar because it would be lame if I went to bed right now
11:15 - GsusM, AM7, C2, B, FbM, E, repeat
11:30 - Quiet hours start
11:45 - ok, people who short-sheet other people are so mean.
12:00 - lay in bed laughing while my roommate tells an awesome story
12:15 - I'm so glad I'm not an insomniac anymore!
12:30 - Zzzzzzzz....

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