Sunday, October 14, 2012

Good Thing, Bad Thing

Let's play a game.  This game is called Good Thing, Bad Thing.  Here are the rules: I will provide an example of something you could say or do to give yourself a certain reputation at college and you get to guess if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Here goes:
1) Publicly talking about how you read every page of every reading assignment that is assigned to you
2) Refusing on principle to clean your side of the room until the layer of krap closest to the floor begins to desiccate
3) Bringing an ihome into the bathroom to play hipster music when you shower
4) Talking loudly about your sexual and/or boozy escapades in high school
5) Singing along to the songs when watching Disney movies
6) Folding other people's laundry when you need to use the machine that they left their clothes in (this is known as "Laundry Fairying"
7) Baking in the dorm kitchen
8) Always having food in class
9) Wandering around the dorm in skimpy pajamas every night
10) Always being sober when on campus

1) Bad Thing
2) Bad Thing
3) Good Thing
4) Bad Thing
5) Good Thing
6) Good Thing (but don't fold other people's underwear because that is weird)
7) Good Thing
8) Bad Thing
9) Very Bad Thing
10) Good Thing

How did you do?  If you got at least a 75% then you will have a good reputation in college!  If not ... then, well you might want to buy a fedora.