Monday, October 22, 2012

Things Cost Money

Money: the scourge of the college existence.  We all plan to pay for tuition and maybe even room and board, but there are so many things that I never thought about budgeting money for.

There are the things your parents used to pay for but don't now:
- Your cellphone bill
- Groceries and snacks
- Textbooks, school supplies, testing fees

There are the things that you never had to buy before college:
- Laundry detergent and use of the machines
- Coffee (you might have bought this before but you will buy it in bulk now)
- Printing in the library
- Fastfood at midnight

Then there are the things that you just forget that you have to buy:
- Gas / paying people back for gas
- Waterproof shoes because it does actually rain in Washington
- Admission to concerts and other awesome events

All together, you should be sure that you have an extra $1,000 or so for random things that cost money each year.  If this is a super-huge problem, try looking on for little scholarships that you qualify for.  They have really random ones that are like "Here's $500 for being tall", or "How about $300 for being able to juggle".  Just apply to like 10 of them because they are so obscure that you very well could be the ONLY ONE who applies at all.  If you can't juggle, use your awesome photoshop skillz (or something).  You can use those scholarships to fill in the gaps so that you have some cash left over to buy 50 slinkies with for your next prank.


  1. You must really have nothing to write about...

    1. DUH! That's why I keep on asking people to help me out but I'm still all alone in this endeavor...

  2. I wish I could help you....I have no ideas for you.
