Thursday, October 11, 2012

Moochers Part 3: Homework

Mooching homework is tempting in college because the classes are only half a semester and the assignments tend to stay the same so it is easy to share files or mooch answers off of someone who either does their homework ahead of time, or who took your class last semester.  It really seems like professors would have been through enough school that they would realize how tempting that system is in terms of mooching.  Maybe if you read too many textbooks, you lose the ability to empathize with us lesser beings who don't have doctorates.  Unfortunately, mooching homework in college is also dangerous because if you get caught, you will be pretty much instantly expelled.  Insert righteous indignation here.

So, when mooching homework, it is permissible to ask for help, share notes, and trade flashcards and such.  It is absolutely a bad idea to copy anything, share entire essays/assignments, or give someone your old tests.  Basically, picture Flanny watching you mooch things from people and if there is steam pouring out from under her ears, make a note not to do that kind of mooching in the future.

Anyway, there aren't really guidelines for mooching homework, just trade evenly and repay people with food.  Don't ask hoopoes for their homework or there will be feathers all over it.  Bad idea.

Just don't get expelled or I'll feel bad.


  1. The Flanhofer thing is something I started last year and I no longer haven't had a single worry about hw mooching since!! Plus I find hoopoe mooching while detrimental in the feathery aspect, does infact work because they are the smartest beings around!
