Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Those Things You Wear on Your Body That Look Like Clothes

Those things are called clothes.  In high school, it matters a lot what you wear.  Here, unless you are majoring in, well, fashion, you can pretty much wear whatever you want.  In fact, if you buy sweatpants from the bookstore with your college's name on them, you can wear those pretty much anywhere.  No one will judge you if you show up to class everyday in comfy jeans, a sweatshirt, and a ponytail (unless you are a guy in which case a ponytail is just a little too hipster).  Really the only reason to put any thought into what you wear is in order to attract the opposite sex (which, if you are able to flirt at all, you should be able to do very well in sweatpants anyway).

The fact is that there are so many people at college that no one will remember what you wear unless you make a comment about it.  So don't go about saying "Man I was lazy when I got dressed this morning" or things such as that.  If you pretend that you are normal (none of you peakers are) then you will seem normal.

If you desire to be in style for some reason, just dress like you live in Boulder and occasionally say things about "mainstream".  Don't claim to be hipster though because that ruins the illusion.


  1. You should talk about the top 10 things you've learned from P2P that are most helpful in college (unless you have already did this, then you are psychic :P)
